2016.9—2019.7 南京大学,物理学专业 博士研究生
2012.9—2014.7 武汉大学,机械工程专业 硕士研究生
2008.9—2012.7 武汉大学,材料学专业 大学本科
1、Ruyi Wang, Lu Wang, Yong Zhou and Zhigang Zou. Al-ZnO/CdS Photoanode Modified with a Triple Functions Conformal TiO2 Film for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Efficiency and Stability. Applied Catalysis B: Environment, 2019, 255, 117738.
2、Ruyi Wang, Huidong Liu, Zhognwen Fan, Liang Li, Yao Cai, Guangzhou Xu, Wenjun Luo, Bing Yang, Yong Zhou and Zhigang Zou. Unconventional gas-based bottom-up, meterarea-scale fabrication of hydrogen-bond free g-CN nanorod arrays and coupling layers with TiO2 toward high-efficiency photoelectrochemical performance. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 3342.
3、Ruyi Wang, Xiaodong Li, Lu Wang, Xirui Zhao, Guangcheng Yang, Aidong Li, Congping Wu, Qing Shen and Zhigang Zou. Construction of Al-ZnO/CdS photoanodes modified with distinctive alumina passivation layer for improvement of photoelectrochemical efficiency and stability. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 19621.
4、Ruyi Wang, Lingling Wang, Huidong Liu, Shaojian Yan, Yanming Chen, Dejun Fu and Bing Yang. Synthesis and characterization of CrCN-DLC composite coating by cathodic arc ion-plating. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 2013, 307, 185-188.
5、Lu Wang*, Ruyi Wang*, Tianyang Qiu, LiuQing Yang,Qiutong Han, Qing Shen, Xin Zhou, Yong Zhou and Zhigang Zou. Bismuth Vacancy-Induced Efficient CO2 Photoreduction in BiOCl Directly from Natural Air: A Progressive Step toward Photosynthesis in Nature. Nano Letter, 2021, 21, 10260-10266.
6、Lu Wang*, Ruyi Wang*, Yong Zhou, Qing Shen, Jinhua Ye, Congping Wu and Zhigang Zou. Three-dimensional Bi2MoO6/TiO2 array heterojunction photoanode modified with cobalt phosphate cocatalyst for high-efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Catalysis Today, 2019, 335, 262-268.
7、Lingling Wang*, Ruyi Wang*. Leyu Feng and Yi Liu. Coupling TiO2 nanorods with g-CN using modified physical vapor deposition for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation. J Am Ceram Soc. 2020, 00, 1-8.
8、Lingling Wang* and Ruyi Wang*. Surface modification of the TiO2/g-CN core-shell nanostructure with bimetallic NiMoO4 nanosheets for the improved photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Solid State Electronics 2020, 171, 107868.
9、Yintong Zhang, Feng Du, Ruyi Wang, Xintong Ling, Xiaoyong Wang, Qing Shen, Yujie Xiong, Tao Li, Yong Zhou and Zhigang Zou. Electrocatalytic Fixation of N2 into NO3-: Electron transfer between Oxygen Vacancies and Loaded Au in Nb2O5-x Nanobelts to Promote Ambient Nitrogen Oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 17442-17450.